Whether your Business has one computer or thousands, you should backup all of your data regularly. Automation is the foolproof way of making sure you’re never caught out.
The Manual Approach
A lot of business owners rely on external hard drives, USB flash drives, or CDs. Any backup is better than none, but storing your files and backups in the same physical place leaves them vulnerable to damage, theft, or loss.
Not to mention that you need to remember to do it and handhold your computer and server throughout the process.
Saving a copy of your files in a separate physical location, also called an off-site backup, is the best way to ensure your business data is properly backed up. If something happens to your business or home office and your main files are compromised, your off-site backup will be safely stored somewhere else. In a case of data loss, you’ll be able to restore your business.
Enabling Automated Backups
The easiest way to perform backups on your business is to implement a data backup service that does it for you. AlFa Logics does this by using the same infrastructure that reliably serves millions of enterprises around the world, every day.
AlFa Logics backs up your business data and any files on your company computers, hard drives, and onsite servers. This includes all the unique and irreplaceable proprietary data in a corporate infrastructure, and everything properly integrated into an entire enterprise grade structuring.
The process is automated, regular, and verifiable.
Managing Your Backups
The most affordable backup solution for AlFa Logics clients is the Business Package plan. At just $99 per user per month, your business is automatically backed up in real time, you get an automatic archive of every change, edit or modification made of every file from the day it started backing up, and 30GB of cloud storage.
Need more storage? For business or home office sites that have new data or data updates multiple times a day, the Corporate Package offers unlimited cloud backup and custom enterprise integration. Every time you add, edit, update, modify or accidently delete content, AlFa Logics immediately backs up your entire data change, making sure your changes are replicated and synchronized. AlFa Logics Corporate Package also scans your data for security threats, so your business is always safe.
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